
Catholic Life

The Catholic life of our school is central to all we do at St. Mary's.

St Mary's is a Roman Catholic Primary School with the love, life and teachings of Jesus and the Catholic Christian Church at the heart of all that we do. St Mary’s is part of Plymouth CAST Multi Academy Trust.

Prayer and worship is a distinctive feature of our school. We recognise that worship can happen anywhere and takes many forms. A selection of photographs from Acts of Worship at school and celebrations at the Church can be viewed below.

If  you would like to withdraw your child from the religious education of St Mary's please contact the school office. Parents of pupils in VA schools and voluntary academies are permitted, by law, to request that their child is withdrawn from receiving all or part of religious education and/or collective worship given at the school and any such request shall stand until such time that the parent’s request is withdrawn. 

Gospel Values
The Gospel values, based on the Beatitudes in the Gospel of Matthew (Chapter 5: 1-11) underpin all that we do in school. These values are made explicit to the school community at assemblies and liturgies and explored throughout the week in the classroom. When we come to celebrate achievement in the school, we recognise first and foremost those who have witnessed to Gospel values, as well as recognising excellence in other areas. 
Our Gospel Values are Kindness, Humility, Justice, Forgiveness, Compassion, Integrity, Courage and Peace. 
Every week, we celebrate a child from each class by awarding them with our ‘Head Teacher’s Award'. This recognises their outstanding behaviour in modelling our Gospel Value of the week.

These are: Compassion, Forgiveness, Humility, Kindness, Courage, Justice, Integrity and Peace.
As a member of Plymouth CAST Multi-Academy Trust, working under the guidance of Plymouth Diocese, we have embraced the Virtues Handbook as endorsed by Bishop Mark O'Toole.
Through the virtues, our children discover their inner feelings and seek and strive after truth and goodness in all its forms.
The Plymouth Diocese Virtues Handbook for Primary Schools is below for you to read.

Our Mission

           Our Mission Statement

          “I am the way, the truth and the life.”

        (John 14:6)


         We place our children at the heart of all we do,

          inspired by the love, life and teachings of Jesus.


    We aim to: 

     Nurture, Prepare, Support, Enable


  1. We encourage you to be happy, healthy and secure. Everything that you do is valued and celebrated.

  2. We prepare you to have all the abilities to see your life as a gift. 

  3. We support your family to help you grow in your faith and your life.

  4.  We enable you to reach your full potential, by providing you with a caring learning environment and an exciting curriculum.


Our intent:

  • To nurture children to be happy, healthy, secure and who are treated with equal dignity and respect, ensuring every child’s contribution is encouraged, valued and celebrated
  • To equip our children with all the abilities needed to regard life as a gift to be lived to the full. (John 10:10)
  • That the reality of prayer and worship become meaningful personal experiences which permeate everything we do.
  • To support parents in their role as the first educators of their children in the ways of their faith and life and develop and maintain good relationships between the school, home, parish and wider community.
  • To enable each child to reach their full potential by providing an enriching and relevant curriculum, within a caring learning environment.