

St. Mary’s School Uniform Policy Uniform is worn at our school to develop a sense of pride in being a member of our very special school community.
We ask that you help us to maintain this high standard and ensure your child is dressed in the correct school uniform.
Our uniform is as follows:
●Grey trousers, shorts, skirt or dress/pinafore
● White shirt or blouse
● St. Mary’s school tie
● St. Mary’s V-necked sweatshirt with school logo
● Black or grey socks or tights
● St. Mary’s cardigan with school logo
Summer uniform is optional and can be worn from Easter until October half term:
● Short sleeved white polo shirt (ties do not need to be worn with polo shirts)
● Royal blue Gingham Summer dress or dress with shorts
● St Mary's Royal Blue short sleeve t-shirt * or plain royal blue T-shirt
● Plain Black shorts
● Trainers In Winter, plain black leggings or plain black jogging bottoms can be worn instead of shorts.
● St. Mary’s cap with school logo PE kit (optional)
For sporting competitions, St. Mary’s school team kit will be provided.
Footwear Plain black shoes only, suitable for playing outside, (not ‘slip-on’).
Plain black boots can be worn to ankle height.
Jewellery Children are permitted to wear single, plain studs on days when they do not have PE.
Ear-rings such as loops, patterned studs are not allowed.
Children can wear a watch, but no other jewellery, of any kind, is permitted.
Hair and makeup Long hair is to be tied back using plain, single coloured headbands or bands etc.
Children should not come to school with designs / logos cut into their hair.
No makeup, temporary tattoos or nail varnish is permitted.
Uniform with our St Mary's logo is available from Castle Sports in Falmouth
Castle Sports & Uniform Ltd 10 Killigrew Street Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 3PG
Email: enquiries@castlesports.co.uk Phone: 01326 311805
*PE t-shirts These should be plain Royal Blue and are available from Castle Sports (above) or should be similar to the following:
SEND We recognise that some pupils will need the uniform policy to be adapted to meet their individual needs. Where this is the case, we will do our best to accommodate pupil and parental requests. Please discuss any adaptations you would like to make with the SENDO or Headteacher.
Our Pre-Loved Uniform Sale is held regularly throughout the year by our school PTA.
The Pre-Loved Uniform sale is an opportunity to get good quality pre-loved uniform for a donation.
We are happy to accept your uniform donations throughout the year for this sale. 
The sale is arranged by our St Mary's PTA who can be contacted at StMarysFalmouthPTA@outlook.com
It  is also advertised on our Class Dojo pages.