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Summer Term

What an exciting start to the Summer term! Reception class have enjoyed observing our new visitors. We have made some observations as to what we can see and what we think will happen when they grow bigger. 
What a wonderful trip to our local Queen Mary Gardens. We had a superb time planting a bed full of red, white and blue shade flowers to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee. We followed a design plan and planted cosmos, lupins and many more beautiful flowers and grasses. 
We love practising our writing skills in Reception class. We have been writing riddles about sea creatures and making sure we use our 'fred fingers' and phonics to spell. After receiving some amazing postcards from our family and friends around the world, we have written some postcards back. Come and look at our display!
We have enjoyed bringing in our own games and sharing them together with our friends. Celebrating NSPCC's childhood day and exploring the virtue of play within our setting. 
Seals, sea lions and penguins! What a wonderful world! 
We have enjoyed visiting the Seal Sanctuary and learning all about our world. What wonderful questions we asked and facts we have learnt. Reception class particularly enjoyed participating in a workshop learning about how baby seals are rescued. What a super day of learning outside of the classroom.