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Spring Term

In the first half of the Spring Term Class 5 's topic will be Europe. We learn about a number of different European countries, finding out about where they are, what food they eat, clothes they wear, most popular sports and so much more.
In the second half, we will be studying the Ancient Egyptians and our Solar System. This topic will give the children an opportunity to explore space and the Ancient Egyptians relationship with the stars. The children will also have an opportunity to experience their first residential trip during this term. 
Spring 1
This term the children have written their own traditional tales based on the Grimms Brothers Rumpelstiltskin! Throughout these the children have experimented with a variety of sentence types and showing character emotions through actions and behaviour. 
This term has given the children an opportunity to test their multiplication and division ability - particularly with multiplying and dividing large numbers. The children have shown an excellent learning attitude a superb level of resilience throughout this unit. 
In science, the children have been exploring healthy living and different nutrients and food groups affect on the body. They have also all been given the opportunity to apply and build their scientific ability through several experiments. One of their favourites was measuring the sugar content in drinks, weighing it out with real sugar and recording their results on scatter graphs.  
Throughout this topic we have been looking at the Domestic Church and St Mary's place within the Diocese. The children have also considered how Christians come together to in ecumenism and work as one and how this is an important part of spreading The Good News and living as God intended. 
Spring 2
The children have had a great time exploring the Ancient Egyptians through English this term. They began the topic by writing diary entries from Howard Carter. These diary entries focused on the momentous discovery of Tutankhamun. The children then looked more deeply at narrative poetry and how the language within it can create affects on the reader. For this, the children explored the famous poem ' The Highwayman', the children also explored archaic language within the poem and considered how language has changed over time. 
In Maths this term, the children explored fractions and built their understanding of adding and subtracting them and calculating the fraction of amounts. 
Throughout this term, the children have had the opportunity to learn all about the changes in materials. They did this through a variety of experiments where they learnt about irreversible and reversible changes and how these changes can sometimes result in the formation of new materials. 
In RE, the children continued to build their understanding of the importance of Lent and the sacrifice that Jesus made for us in their period. The children have also considered how they can honour that sacrifice by living their lives how Jesus intended.